Trezor® Hardware* Wallet® | Getting Started with Trezor

Considerations and Limitations

While Trezor Wallet offers numerous advantages, there are some considerations and limitations to be aware of:

  1. Cost: Compared to free software wallets, Trezor is relatively expensive. However, the cost is justified by the enhanced security and features it provides.

  2. Physical Security: Although Trezor secures your digital assets, it is essential to physically secure the device. Losing the device or having it stolen could lead to potential risks if the recovery seed is also compromised.

  3. Complexity for Beginners: While Trezor’s interface is user-friendly, beginners might find the initial setup and usage slightly complex compared to software wallets. However, the provided guides and support can help mitigate this.

  4. Dependency on Firmware: Regular firmware updates are crucial for maintaining security. Users need to be vigilant in keeping their device updated to protect against new threats.

Last updated